Rotating and Flipping Images
Selecting Edit>Rotate or Flip Image will display the Transform dialog.
Note: Smart Pix Manager uses a lossless algorithm for JPEG rotation so there is no reduction in image quality.
You have three options:
Select the number of degrees by which the image should be rotated clockwise (any number between 1 and 359), for example if you select 90 degrees the Top of the image will become the Right of the image.
This will create a mirror copy of the original, i.e. the left of the image will be moved to the right and visa versa.
This will reverse the image vertically, i.e. the top of the image will be moved to the bottom and visa versa.
Rotating Multiple Files:
If you have multiple files selected then you can rotate all of them at once by using the Rotate Left or Rotate Right functions below...
Automatic Rotation of Image:
Some advanced cameras record the in a digital camera field how the camera was oriented when the photo was taken. If your camera supports this then you can automatically rotate all of your images to the correct orientation with the click of a single menu item.
To do this, select all of the files from your camera (do not do this if you have edited them previously) and click Image>Other Editing>Automatically Rotate Images...
Rotate and Flip Image:
Rotate Left:
Rotate Right
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